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Agami Prize 2022 | Nominee Feedback Form

Agami Prize seeks to discover and make visible the ideas that are transforming the field of law and justice. This year, we made a few changes trying to keeping you and your idea at the centre of the Prize process & to also get to know as many of you as possible! :) We would love your feedback on the process & what we can do differently moving forward. Thank you!
Your First Name (optional)
Your Last Name (optional)
Your Initiative Name (optional)

Please provide us feedback on the Prize Process:

Did you have clarity on the Prize evaluation criteria (1-low; 5-high)
Did you have clarity on the Prize evaluation process (1-low; 5-high)
Did you feel heard during the evaluation call? (1-low; 5-high)
Did you feel like the team made the process easy on you - time and effort wise? (1-low; 5-high)

Is there anything else you would like to share with the team? Do feel free to include what worked, what did not work, and what we can do better